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The Association “Tavo Europa” organized a face-to-face GIFTLED project multiplier event, to which Kaunas district education experts – teachers, representatives of local education administration,
policymakers were invited. The main goal of the event was to present the main results of the project.
The primary objectives of the Multiplier Event were to:
• Raise awareness of the GIFTLED project among relevant stakeholders, including teachers, educators, administrators, and policymakers.
• Address critical topics covered by the project, such as the “Learning by Design” approach, the role of augmented reality in learning, and innovative pedagogical approaches for gifted
• Present the results of the project and demonstrate their practical applications in educational settings.
• Provide teachers and educators with effective tools and methods to better support gifted individuals in their educational journeys, fostering talent development and enhancing STEAM
• Create a platform for education experts to share good practices in educating gifted children.
Event participants
The multiplier event was attended by 25 educators, representatives of school administrations, employees of the Kaunas District Municipality Education Department, and policymakers from 19
different institutions and organizations. These are public sector representatives.
The event was divided into several parts: a presentation of the results of the Giftled project, a discussion on the phenomenon of gifted children and their practical development, and a debate on
the future of education, the tools that exist for the development of gifted children and the possibilities for schools to implement them in their daily work.
Participants registered for the event in advance, thus ensuring a high quality and efficient participation, taking into account the possibilities of the venue and the activities planned. The first
presentation was about the Giftled project: the objectives and results achieved, which include the Handbook for Teachers, AR Case Studies, Toolkit Instruction Videos and Curriculum. Participants were
given the opportunity to familiarise themselves with each tool and ask questions.
The presentation was followed by an overview of the general attitude towards gifted children and the prospects for changing it for the better. Teachers were given the opportunity to observe lessons using
gifted education methods, which included Lithuanian language, life skills, career education, extra curricular reading, mathematics and arts. It should be noted that the “Gilė” school-kindergarden,
where the event took place, is one of the leading gifted education institutions in the county, which is a strong incentive and motivation for other schools in the area to adopt good practice. Due to the
protection of children’s data and the desire not to disturb the observation of the lessons, no photos were taken in this part.
After all the theoretical and practical sessions, the education professionals came back for a general discussion about education in the district, to plan changes in their own educational institutions and to
discuss the possibility of using Giftled tools in their work.