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As outlined in the approved project proposal, MECB was tasked with organising a face-to-face Raising Awareness Event in Malta to showcase and promote the results and outputs of the GIFTLED project. This event aimed to provide a comprehensive overview of the project’s achievements while engaging stakeholders in discussions about the impact and practical applications of the project’s resources. Specifically, the Raising Awareness Event highlighted the following key results:
● Handbook for Teachers: A comprehensive guide for educators on giftedness, STEAM education, and the “Learning by Design” educational approach, culminating in the GIFTLED Method.
● AR Case Studies: A set of brochures featuring Augmented Reality (AR) case studies that outlines how to implement AR applications in specific educational scenarios.
● Toolkit Instruction Videos: Toolkit Introduction Videos (TIVs) designed for each digital tool chosen by the partners to be used in STEAM disciplines. These videos showcase the applications’ features and demonstrate their integration into the “Learning by Design” approach.
● GIFTLED Curriculum: A carefully designed curriculum demonstrating how the GIFTLED method can be applied across STEAM disciplines to enhance the inclusion and education of gifted and talented individuals.
● The GiftLed Open Digital Platform: This platform provides stakeholders with integrated access to all project resources developed throughout the project.
Event Objectives
The primary objectives of the Event were to:
● Raise awareness of the GIFTLED project among relevant stakeholders, including teachers, educators, administrators, and policymakers.
● Address critical topics covered by the project, such as the “Learning by Design” approach, the role of augmented reality in learning, and innovative pedagogical approaches for gifted students.
● Present the results of the project and demonstrate their practical applications in educational settings.
● Provide teachers and educators with effective tools and methods to better support gifted individuals in their educational journeys, fostering talent development and enhancing STEAM engagement.
The event took place on Friday, November 8, 2024, in the Grand Excelsior Hotel, Floriana, Malta. The event commenced with registration and a networking breakfast, allowing attendees to mingle. Dr Ing Jonathan Borg, MECB Director, opened the event by welcoming the attendees and providing an overview of the event. Dr Borg emphasized the significance of the GIFTLED project in advancing education for gifted and talented individuals within the STEAM fields and outlined the objectives of the event, highlighting its role in showcasing the project’s outputs and fostering collaboration among educators, policymakers, and stakeholders. Following Dr Borg’s introduction, Mr Eric Flask gave a presentation entitled Understanding Gifted Individuals & Their Challenges. Here, Mr Flask used mentimeter to engage the participants through a real time interactive poll by which they answered a number of perceptions/questions they had on Gifted individuals. Following this poll, he passed on to outline the characteristics of gifted children, the challenges they present and ways on how to tackle such challenges.
After this presentation, Ms Darlene Schembri took the stage to give a detailed presentation of the project’s achievements. This segment provided a comprehensive overview of key resources developed through GIFTLED, including the GIFTLED Open Digital Platform, the Handbook for Teachers, the Augmented Reality (AR) Case Studies brochure, the Toolkit Instruction Videos (TIVs), and the curriculum designed to support the GIFTLED methodology. Attendees were particularly engaged by the demonstration of the AR case studies, which offers an innovative way for students to interact with STEAM disciplines. The MECB team guided participants through this hands-on activity, allowing them to explore the features of the AR flyers.
The event then transitioned into a panel discussion, where participants had the opportunity to ask questions, and share feedback. This open dialogue fostered a collaborative atmosphere, encouraging participants to engage deeply with the material and each other. The panel session allowed attendees to share their thoughts on the GIFTLED project and explore potential collaborations for future initiatives.
Overall, the Malta GIFTLED Raising Awareness Event proved to be a successful and impactful gathering, achieving its objectives of promoting the project’s outcomes and engaging key stakeholders in constructive discussions. The event served as an excellent platform for showcasing the project’s resources, including the GIFTLED Open Digital Platform, the Handbook for Teachers, AR Case Studies, Toolkit Instruction Videos, and curriculum materials, all of which were enthusiastically received by participants.